Android gembox color error
Android gembox color error

android gembox color error

What apps have you been using recently? As mentioned above, Facebook Messenger draws on the screen for chat heads, so if a chat head is actively running, it’s most likely your culprit.Ideally, you’ll know which app caused the conflict, and you can disable just that one. You could disable every single one, but that could be super time consuming, especially if you have dozens of apps installed that can apply overlays. Now, sometimes when this error is generated, it includes an “Open Settings” link that sends you directly into the “Draw over other apps” menu. The rough part is that each app has to be toggled manually-just tap on an app, slide the “Permit Drawing Over Other Apps” toggle, and go back.

android gembox color error android gembox color error

In the example below, I’m using Twilight-a “night mode” app-which uses a screen overlay to do its thing.


So, if you install a new app and launch it for the first time while also having a conversation over a Facebook Chat Head, you’ll get an error as the new app tries to request its permissions. Android absolutely will not allow permissions to be changed when an overlay is running, thus resulting in the “Screen Overlay Detected” error. Unfortunately, some apps do odd things when an overlay is actively running, especially if the app in question needs to request a new permission. Tap “Draw over other apps” and toggle apps in the list.Tap the Gear icon on the top right of the Settings page.It’s already starting to click, isn’t it? For example, Facebook Messenger uses chat heads to stay in the foreground of whatever you’re doing-this is the app using the “Draw over other apps” feature. Fortunately, it’s a pretty easy fix once you know what’s causing the error: a feature found in Marshmallow and beyond that allows apps to “draw” over other apps.

Android gembox color error